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6th Grade Schedule Survey

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A short survey to assess the students’ opinions of the schedule change that we made 2nd quarter.

1. I prefer the new schedule that was used 2nd quarter.

 Strongly Agree
 27 (44%) 
 12 (19%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 13 (21%) 
 Strongly Disagree

Total: 62

2. I would like to trade by homeroom for all my classes.

 Strongly Agree
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 13 (21%) 
 14 (23%) 
 Strongly Disagree
 20 (32%) 

Total: 62

3. I would like to be mixed-up, like we were for 2nd quarter, for all my classes.

 Strongly Agree
 23 (37%) 
 11 (18%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 11 (18%) 
 Strongly Disagree
 12 (19%) 

Total: 62

4. I feel that I learn better when I am trading with the new schedule as compared to when I am trading with my homeroom.

 Strongly Agree
 14 (23%) 
 16 (26%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 23 (37%) 
 Strongly Disagree

Total: 62

5. I would change nothing major about the schedule for 3rd quarter.

 Strongly Agree
 11 (18%) 
 16 (26%) 
 Neither Agree or Disagree
 19 (31%) 
 Strongly Disagree

Total: 62

6. If you have anything that you would like to share about the schedule change and how it has affected you and they way you learn please share it with us.

 I think that we should trade individually not as homeroom.
 I want to trade in 5th grade area,but not 6th grade area.
 I think we should more SSR time because it goes by so quick and we can't alot done from the amount of time we get and i also think it will be cool if we had a day with the 6th and 5th mixed up.
  I would like there to be a study hall in some period of the time of school. Either at the end of P.E. or whenever. I would also like to trade in the evening.
Id like to stay in home room for specials and P.E.
What I have to say is that what if somebody is not  what you a friend to somebody but because the mix up with the schesule they might be in the same class but we change classes by homeroom,then it wiil not be a problem.
 I don't like that schedule because i am use to seeing my classmates and not other people and that distracts me.
 I want the same SSR block
 i would like to have recess before lunch
 I love this being my new classes. The people are so much better. I can't tell you how much I love it!!!!!! I just don't like how we are combined with 5th graders. I also like the lunch way of working. I love the changing up the classes so much. I would do it for all the classes!!!!
 There are more distractions when being mixed up because friends from last year are in the same class. So then you will talk to them instead of learning. it is also better to meet new people and to not be mixed up with old ones.
 Lunch, and study hall are perfect but I like trading with my home room.
 I like the new schedule, but I like study hall at the end of the day. I like the new change better then the old one because sometimes I get sick of class, but then I don't like being with my friends in all my classes because then they might distract me and it has happened before.
I think we need a longer study hall, because I'm usually late because I need to put my instrument away. And I would also like a longer recess.
 I think that we should have are morning classes mixed up and our afternoon but switch the people up more because I have mostly the same people in all my classes.
 Maybe, we could mix up homerooms for all classes except for P.E.
 We should be mixed up for all classes except special classes.
 not to be combined with the 5th graders, hate it!
 I don't like the new lunch schedule because band doesn't get to get in line first. When we get in trouble at lunch and have to get in ABC order, people that didn't do anything wrong are at the end of the line basically as punishment for having a last name that is at the end of the alphabet. I love it when we changed the trading schedule, because it removed some major distractions from my classes. I would also love it if we mixed people in our last 3 classes to, so I could actually get my work done in class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 I think we should have 3 to 5 extra minutes to pack up and put up our net books at the end of the day because 99% of the time I am running to the bus like a crazy person because I do not have enough time.
 First of all, I seem to remember that the whole reason we switched to recess then lunch was because kids were not eating enough. Second of all, I don't really like the lunch then recess schedule anyways. So if we just do the recess-lunch schedule, that would be get.
 I liked and did not like the change we made in second quarter one reason i like it is because i LEARNED MORE WHEN MOVED FROM CERTAIN PEOPLE
 1~ I like the 2nd quarter schedule better because i like being with new people in the morning and still be able to see my homeroom class in the afternoon. 2~ Also i like having study hall in SSR time because I feel like i can get more done because when it was at the end of the day everyone just talked and its too loud to work. 3~ One last thing. I don't like that the 5th graders combine with us. We had to wait a year to sit wherever we wanted and they got to a year earlier.
 It is very helpful to have the ten minutes at SSR, being in band in the first quarter was rushed and difficult! But I do not like being combined with the 5th graders, it makes me feel like I'm moving backwards when I revisit old teachers. I dislike the fact that the 5th graders get to have the teachers that I have been working to get for so long! I've really been looking forward to getting the sixth grade teachers, and I don't like to think that the 5th graders didn't have to work so long.
 I would like to be mixed up for all my classes. The ten minutes for study hall should be added to recess. We should get the choice of recess or SSR. We should have trash cans outside so we could eat outside at the beginning and end of the school year (when it is warm) if we want.
 I liked having band after lunch better rather than before. I mainly liked the part where we left recess early to go to lunch. I think we should be put in classes based on are learning abilities. I we could do more protects instead of reading. Its more affective.
 I don't like the lunch schedule because band and choir people don't get their full recess. Also, I don't like getting mixed with the 5th graders. Strongly disagree with it.
 keep the lunch first recess second
 i would like change people that are in are mixed up classes.
 I liked it better when it was recess before lunch because it's not good to play right after you eat.
 It would also be better for students who like talking to friends in class.
 i wish to be mixed up with all my classes and classmates throughout the whole day not just half and that includes p.e.
 I would rather keep this schedule than change it.
 i love it, but it sometimes gets a little boring when you're in the same people all the time.
 The lunch room could use an extra table for the 6th grade and a drama club would be nice
 it is epic
 I don't like the trades right now.....

Total: 41